It's official. Gracita is deemed "the cool grandma" of the family. Whenever the kids come over they never want to leave. She tells us how her grandkids tell their parents (her kids) how if the parents ever have to go away, they'll always choose Gracita. And not just only when the parents are gone...last weekend the parents returned from their trip to Barcelona, and Alvaro still wasn't ready to leave! How fun :)
So, who are Carolina and Jenny you may ask? They are Gracia's students from last spring. It is rare a day passes without her saying SOMETHING about Carolina y Jenny. She has a picture of them right near where we eat (along with the rest of the students). We've heard so many stories I feel like I know them. They didn't know each other coming here, but left great friends. They made friends with many many spaniards, and they both left with spanish boyfriends! Carolina even had an american boyfriend at the start of her program. They are both still currently dating the Spaniards. Gracita said they used to love playing with the grandkids and got along with the entire family. Everyone in the family bought Jenny gifts for her birthday when she was here. They also went out nearly every night! Anyways, Gracita adores them, as I do now also.
Soooo, needless to say that description is about to be the backbone for maybe the best compliment I've gotten since I've been here. Gracita says that Tally and I are just like Carolina and Jenny. So, girls, I will probably never meet you in my life, but you are LOVED and you have definitely left your mark in Spain and in this lady's heart. I just hope that Tally and I become more "famous" than you guys =)
Also, Gracita knows I've been sick lately. A couple nights ago, we were laying in bed, lights off but still talking, and we hear stirring in the kitchen wondering what the heck she could be doing (it's about 12:30-1 am). Five minutes later (drum roll please).......Gracia brings us in a creamy cup of hot, pudding-like chocolate. We're talking made on the stove. No powder and milk in the microwave crip crap. She had the biggest smile on her face, because she saw how happy/surprised/thankful we were.
We always have good dinner conversations. We've talked about her husband, boyfriends, friends, trips, family, bodies, sicknesses, drug wars, name it! Some of my favorite stories of hers are the ones about her farm and the ones about her and Manolo (her husband who passed away). One time on the farm, they somehow missed picking up eggs from underneath one of the hens. A couple days later....out walk 12 little baby hens (ducklings? chicks? I don't know), and they had no idea what to do with them!!
So about her husband. They knew each other for 9 months before they got married (at age 22 for her). And they took wedding pictures at the Plaza de España in Seville. How gorgeous would those pictures be?! One time, they went on a trip to Palma de Mallorca. Gracita loves bingo, so when she saw a casino when she got off the plane, she had to go! Manolo was reluctant to let her go and tagged along. First game in, she WON! I couldn't understand exactly how much, but by her laughs and smiles, you could tell it was a good enough amount to be able to stick it to Manolo. hahaha! (mom and dad, this will be you guys...only roles reversed. Dad will be the one dragging mom to the casino near the airport and will win millions I'm sure).
Gracita, Tally and I are planning to all go get churros y chocolate some saturday afternoon when it warms up a bit. Her birthday is the 28th, and her grand daughter turns 1 tomorrow! We're going to the farm with the whole family to celebrate this weekend =) eeeeeeeek
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